Obama organization has made the world's biggest protected region of
area or ocean in the Hawaiian Islands. Obama administrations step in
ensuring our seas. Marine National Monument, set up in 2006 by
President George W. Bramble, already covered 140,000 square miles of
sea around the uninhabited northwestern islands of Hawaii, Obama's
home state.
governor David commented on the "tremendous" civil argument
inside Hawaii over the landmark and its fishing exclusion. However,
at last, he said, the development "strikes the right adjust as
of now for the waters surrounding the Hawaiian Islands, and it can be
a model for supportability in alternate seas of planet Earth."
Marine national monument is a sanctuary for animal groups, including
short-tailed albatrosses, blue whales, ocean turtles, and the last
Hawaiian monk seals. It contains a portion of the world's
northernmost and most advantageous coral reefs, considered among the
well on the way to survive in a sea warmed by environmental change.
The seamounts and sunken islands of its deeper waters are occupied by
more than 7,000 species, including the most established living
creatures on Earth—dark corals that have lived for over 4,000
fourth of the creatures living in the monument are discovered nowhere
else. Numerous more have not yet been recognized, for example, a
ghostly little white octopus, recently found, that researchers have
named Casper.
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